Monday, May 16, 2011

Peanut Butter Cups

Reese's has nothing on these puppies  :)   Well...let me take that back.  If you want to snack on something, these are not for you.  One of these is like a full dessert!  They will melt in your fingers if you hold them, so they are best served with a fork or spoon and after a meal.  These would be AMAZING broken up over ice cream, or in a banana split!  We really liked them.
1 Pkg semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/4 Cup peanut butter (I used crunchy peanut butter)
1/4 Cup Powdered Sugar

*Cut 9 paper muffin liners in half (so they aren't as tall).  Now put them into muffin pans that have been sprayed down with cooking spray.

*In a microwave safe dish, melt half the bag of chocolate.  Start with one minute, then stir the chocolate, then continue to cook another 30 seconds.  Make sure you don't overcook them and that you stop it to stir because it will burn in the microwave if not!

*Take the chocolate once it is melted and put a scoopful into each muffin liner.  Now using a spoon or spatula, drag chocolate up each side (make sure you drag enough chocolate up because if its just a thin amount they will not come out of the muffin liners later.

*Now put your muffin tray in your fridge for one hour.

*An hour later, mix your peanut butter and powdered sugar together.

*Scoop the peanut butter into the muffin centers.

*Melt the rest of the chocolate chips the way you did the first set of chocolate chips.

*Pour the melted chocolate on top of the peanut butter cups and layer if so that all the tops are fairly flat and all the peanut butter is covered.

*Put back into the fridge for another hour of so until they are fully hardened.

*When you are ready to eat them, gently pull the wrappers off.  Try not to touch the chocolate because it will melt.  Annoying, I know...sorry.  Now eat them however you would like (and win bonus points from everyone you serve them too for being "soooooooo creative").

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